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Waldemar Mozoła
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Coś o sobie

Nazywam się Waldemar Mozoła i zawodowo zajmuję się prowadzeniem produktów z branży telekomunikacyjnej oraz projektów z obszaru poprawy jakości tworzonych rozwiązań. Posiadam doświadczenie w pracy z zespołami międzynarodowymi zajmującymi się zarówno tworzeniem oprogramowania ale również testowaniem, przygotowywaniem architektury sprzętowej oraz specyfikacji produktowej. Podczas codziennej pracy wykorzystuję doświadczenie  zdobyte na wcześniejszych stanowiskach jako tester, programista oraz Quality Manager co pozwala mi na lepsze zrozumienie sytuacji oraz efektywniejsze podejmowanie decyzji. Wiedza z zakresu tworzenia oprogramowania oraz devOps pozwala mi również na tworzenie dodatkowych narzędzi oraz aplikacji w celu wydajniejszego prowadzenia projektów, planowania, monitorowania oraz automatyzacji procesów.

Szkolenia oraz studia

Field of study: Mechanical Engineering Speciality Heating Engineering: Country: Poland / Wroclaw

University of Technology in Wroclaw

Field of study: Mechanical Engineering
Speciality Heating Engineering:
Country: Poland / Wroclaw
Field of study: Informatic in Bussiness Speciality: Informatic System manager Country: Poland

University of Economy in Wroclaw

Field of study: Informatic in Bussiness
Speciality: Informatic System manager
Country: Poland

Galeria zdjęć
Interesujące zdjęcia z podróży

Artykuły wynikające z doświadczenia

Moje zawodowe doświadczenia

Product Owner

As a product owner I have a experience in work with the multinational software teams to maximise product value based on the product backlog, Scrum ceremonies and methods available on the market. Work in this job position give the possibilities to use whole spectrum of the knowledge and experience achived in the previous possitions.  In my daily work I used knowledge not only from the software development are but additionally from testing and quality site.

Quality Manager

Before I was started work as a Product Owner I was Quality Manager. Experience witch I was received in this possition was improvement my understanding about products quality, how to measure main KPIs, how to settup the quality qoals and how to prepare RCA/EDA analyze to found main problems and improves process to reduce number of not planned accidence and bugs. As a QA Manager I was responsible prepared regular analyzes about problems and eventual ways to improve process.

Software Development

As a Software Developer I have a experience  in frontend, backend layears and in the CLI applications. Those experience help me in my daily work as a Product Owner to understand and betted communicate with the development teams. Additionall benefit is ability to read technical documentation and better understand what is implemented.

Software Testing

One of my first proffesionall experience was in the Software Tester position. This experience was learned me how to prepare user stories, user scenarious and how to analyze requirements. This knowledge is constantly use by me when I was worked as Software Developer, Quality Manager and in my current possition as a Product Owner.

Non commercial software projects

Project was created to collected and present data about state of the residential market. This project help to track the main values of the market base on the district, city or just size of the appartment. This application was created only to the private usage and is not used as a commertiall.


Project was created to collected and present data about state of the residential market. This project help to track the main values of the market base on the district, city or just size of the appartment. This application was created only to the private usage and is not used as a commertiall. Web App PriceTracker is a app created to track price changes based on the specyfic shop. This app not compare specyfic product in many shops but focused on in a one offert. This is check with the daily frequency how the price is changed of the specyfic offert. The value of this app is simplicity and specyfic target: spend less money. Project was created only to for personal use.


Web App PriceTracker is a app created to track price changes based on the specyfic shop. This app not compare specyfic product in many shops but focused on in a one offert. This is check with the daily frequency how the price is changed of the specyfic offert. The value of this app is simplicity and specyfic target: spend less money. Project was created only to for personal use. Web App PriceTracker is a app created to track price changes based on the specyfic shop. This app not compare specyfic product in many shops but focused on in a one offert. This is check with the daily frequency how the price is changed of the specyfic offert. The value of this app is simplicity and specyfic target: spend less money. Project was created only to for personal use.

Sound Analyzer

Web App PriceTracker is a app created to track price changes based on the specyfic shop. This app not compare specyfic product in many shops but focused on in a one offert. This is check with the daily frequency how the price is changed of the specyfic offert. The value of this app is simplicity and specyfic target: spend less money. Project was created only to for personal use. Web App SearchLoc is the application created to help in organising all events in the specyfic city. Backend created in the python language get the data from the platforms and displayed them in a one place. This help to organise all needed events in a one place. This app was created only to help in organising the events list and it’s not a commerial product.


Web App SearchLoc is the application created to help in organising all events in the specyfic city. Backend created in the python language get the data from the platforms and displayed them in a one place. This help to organise all needed events in a one place. This app was created only to help in organising the events list and it’s not a commerial product.

How to contact with me?

Waldemar Mozoła

